Investment in Polish market for worldwide firms

If you are interested in entering the Polish market with your company we can help you with a proper investment in the Polish market – we provided comprehensive support service for all worldwide companies of all sizes, all branches and different aims. Our company co-operate with several major government agencies, offices, agencies and countless other smaller ones. We have a wide net of companies in Poland as well as all over the world.

Everything mentioned above is made available for one reason – that your company will give you the benefits you have never experienced before. We never leave any project non-finished. We always care about the entire marketing process in order to set your business on a right track.

We can offer you professional and tried out methods of direct service for all world wide based companies. If you require an assistance, guidance and a professional support throughout the entire process of relocation, establishment, representation and full marketing for your business, then we are exactly the ones you are looking for.

What forms of investment support we offer:

There are lots of different forms of investment which we can support the client with. For instance, we can provide the full business establishment project and realise it with the help of our partner companies, government agencies and other legal, financial and economic offices. Full marketing option provides: relocation from abroad and transport of the company to Poland, searching for a proper industrial site to rent or to buy to establish your business, comprehensive business representation service in all sorts of government institutions, creating websites, SEO optimisation, translating websites, hiring people for your business to work properly, etc.

We can also act as providers and representatives with whom you can meet and discuss the specific service you would like us to help you deal with in Poland. We have lots of representatives in both foreign markets and in Poland – they can arrive at a given place and discuss all the important issues. They can also be hired as professionals who perform detailed marketing research of the Polish market, search for a trade partner, etc.

We help all world wide based companies in the entire process of establishing their businesses in Poland (from transporting them to Poland to providing them with an unmatched quality full marketing service).

Smart Business in Poland company will provide you with:

  • most detailed information on the economical situation in Poland
  • a detailed information concerning all legal issues and the recent amendments in the Polish law concerning foreign investors
  • searching for all potential sites where you will be able to establish your business
  • searching for potential traders and contractors who would be interested in signing a contract with your company
  • full marketing service
  • and lots of others

Why invest in Poland:

There are lots of various reasons why it is good to invest in the Polish market. First of all, Poland experiences a strong development of its economy. Because it has almost a 40 million people market it is the largest market of all new ones within the EU. Poland also avoided the decrease in production – both national and international during the worldwide recession in the late 2000’s.

Second, most money which the EU allocates throughout its members Poland is almost always receiving the biggest amount of money. Therefore, lots of new companies are being established and they often wind up the Polish market considerably. Also, existing companies are often given an additional financial boost to make them more innovative and competitive. With our help, entering the Polish market to invest there will be a piece of cake.

Third, the geographical location of the country makes it extremely worthwhile investing by foreign investors. Lots of sea, road and rail routes come across the Polish country because lots of companies find their way through Poland either to East or the West of Europe to trade with their partners.